Pin visis to drawings to show exactly where they are
Danielle Giardina
Would love an update on whether this may be in future works - as agree it would be a valuable tool to be able to pin issues to a plan.
Renee Phelan
Merged in a post:
Pin latest drawings to inspections
Renee Phelan
Ability to have the relevant drawings or designs deployed with the inspection
Renee Phelan
Merged in a post:
Pin issues or tasks to a drawing / plan
Renee Phelan
Pin-drop functionality so that issues or tasks can be marked on a layout plan and an additional view to see the pindrop on a map (e.g google maps but for a site drawing)
Heath Phelan
For Pat's screen checklists he wants an an interactive way of inputting. For a task Screen Numbers with a required field list the numbers, ideally, the screen drawing would come up and they would highlight the screens relevant
Heath Phelan
Pat wants to also linke SWMS to checklists