
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


What’s New? ✨
Before publishing a new project template you can now send the template through an approval workflow to ensure that head contractor project admins have the opportunity to approve templates before being published to the project template library.
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Why are template approval workflows important?
  • Ensures Quality Control:
    Approval workflows enforce a review process, ensuring that project templates meet the required standards before being published.
  • Reduces Errors:
    Reviewers can catch and correct mistakes, ensuring the template is accurate and complete.
  • Enhances Collaboration:
    The approval process fosters collaboration among team members. It allows for feedback and suggestions, which can improve the overall quality of the template.
Key Updates:
1. A new workflow to review templates before publishing
  • Project templates can now be submitted for review to head contractor project admins before publishing on the project
  • Reviewers can proceed to approve and publish the template or alternatively request changes before approving the template for use on the project.
  • Simply navigate to the new template details sidebar to select a template reviewer for your next critical project template
2. Template activity feed
  • View all events and activities related to the template review workflow in the template activity feed, located in the new template builder sidebar.
3. Real-time notifications
  • Receive notifications in Visibuild and via email when the status of your project template changes, keeping everyone informed and up-to-date.
4. Understand which templates have undergone the review workflow
  • Navigate to your project template library to get a breakdown of which templates have gone through a review workflow using the new
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If you need more help getting to know the new project template approval workflow then jump into the below help article for a step by step walk through.
Simplify your location tree by hiding empty locations
Location trees that map your entire project can sometimes result in a length list of locations. Hiding your empty locations allows you to condense your list to only locations that have Visis related to you.
Simply click on the button on your web or mobile that says "Hide empty" and you're good to go.
For a more in depth guide click here.
Note: Update your mobile phone to the latest version (0.60.1) to get access to this feature
A new and improved 'Home'
We've redesigned your homepage to help you quickly locate the Visis you need within seconds.
🏢 Locations front and centre
Navigate locations immediately when you open the app.
🕒 Continue where you last left off
Find the most recent Visis you were working on in 'Recents'.
🔎 Search for locations
Quickly find any location using its name directly from your homepage.
Note: This can only be done by a 'project admin' user
What's new
Project admins can now invite other external companies to projects on Visibuild through project setup at any time of day.
Why it matters
Construction rarely happens in silo. With all project stakeholders working together on Visibuild, adding companies on your means that you can add a subbie/ consultant/ supplier/ client to your projects to help you deliver work and complete quality.
How it works
Click on + Invite to project > Company and search for the company you'd like to add to your project.
If you can't find the company you're looking for, you can send our CS team a message through "Invite them" to request adding in a new company. This will soon be updated with giving you the ability to invite new companies on your own.
🎉 Big news, Visibuilders! Milestones have arrived, tracking your quality assurance against your project programme has never been easier! 🚀
Add key milestone events to your templates
Linking milestones directly to your templates makes quality planning against your project program a breeze. With this integration, spotting any missed quality checkpoints as your project progresses is easy! Simply navigate to the template where you want to apply a milestone, and voila! You'll find the option to add a milestone right there. Easy peasy! 🎯
Add to Template
Close milestones from web or your Visibuild app
Closing milestones is a snap! Web users can quickly wrap up milestones from the tracker or straight from the milestone details page. Find it effortlessly on linked Visi details pages or on your location pages under the milestones tab. It's all about convenience!
For our mobile users, milestones will appear neatly under the milestone tab on your location pages or in your Visi details. They're also seamlessly integrated into your single-page inspection flows. Simply look for the option to mark the milestone as completed at the end of any linked template.
Create trackers to compare your quality against program
See your quality status crystal clear with Visibuild's milestone trackers! These nifty tools let you compare your quality against the project progress with ease. Just pick a name for your tracker, choose where you want your data to roll up from, and voila! Any milestones in those areas automatically hop onto your tracker. It's like magic for project management! Plus, any new milestones you add later will pop up here too. So simple, so effective!
Milestone Tracker
To learn more about milestones, check out our helpful article 👉 here.
What's NEW 🆕
Company admins can now build a library of standardised templates for project teams to use. Project admins can import templates from the company template library to use and make project-specific.
Why does it matter 👀
Gone are the days of multiple versions of the same template across your company on Visibuild. The template building process is now streamlined with the introduction of the template library. You can have full confidence that your project is using templates built by management.
Build company templates (Company admin)
  1. Navigate to company setup > template library
  2. + New template
  3. Edit and publish to the company template library once you're ready!
Import company templates into projects (Project admin)
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  1. Navigate to project setup > template library
  2. +New template > Import from company library
  3. Template imported as draft, continue making project specific edits editing until you're ready to publish!
What's Changed:
Visi Creation from Single Page Inspection Flow (SPIF)
  • Users can now add Visis directly from the Single Page Inspection Flow (SPIF) within the Visibuild mobile app. image
  • Perfect for those situations onsite where you are adding a bunch of ad-hoc issues to an existing inspection.
Enhanced Inspection Navigation
  • When diving into inspections the mobile app now defaults to the single page inspection flow (SPIF) instead of the Visi details page.
  • If you are halfway through an inspection point in the checklist you are upto to be dropped there in SPIF image
  • This new default ensures that users can quickly dive into onsite inspections without any unnecessary clicks.
  • Looking for the Visi details page? Simply click "see more" highlighted in the above image.
Why It Matters
These latest improvements represent our ongoing commitment to providing a user-friendly and intuitive experience within the Visibuild mobile app. 😀 🚀
👀 Keep an eye out for future updates as we continue to refine and improve your inspection workflows.
Note: this can only be done by a 'company admin' user.
What's NEW🆕
Got a teammate that you'd like to add to multiple projects? Or has someone just left the company? You can now add/remove members from multiple projects and your company in your company setup area!
Why it's important
Manage all your members in your company in a single space. You no longer have to hop between different project pages to manage members. Here are some things you can now do:
  • Add/remove a member to and from multiple projects
  • Add/remove a member to your company
  • Make/revoke company admin access
  • Edit project access
  • Monitor all your member's active status
How it works
Hit +Invite to invite a new user to your company and multiple projects on Visibuild in a single flow.
Click on the 3 dots to edit project access, make/revoke company admin access, or remove them.
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🎉 What's NEW
Now it's easier than ever to create templates for multiple locations! We've listened to your feedback and revamped how you choose locations for your Visis templates.
👀 Why does it matter
We get it – the old way of selecting locations was a bit of a headache. But guess what? We've completely reimagined it based on your input. Here's what's different:
Search Locations
No more endless scrolling! Just type in what you're looking for in the search bar, and we'll show you all the matching locations. It's like magic!
Location Search
Select all children locations
Say goodbye to tedious clicking. With the 'Select children' button, you can choose all the child locations in one go. And if you change your mind, just hit 'Unselect children' – easy peasy!
Select Children
Easier location selection understanding
We've spruced up the layout on the right-hand side so you can see exactly where your Visis will be going. It's all about giving you a crystal-clear view of your selections.
Hey Visibuilders 🏗️✨,
What's New?
You can now create Visis from template in the checklist of a previously created Inspection 🎉
Why Does It Matter?
This enhancement comes in response to your valuable feedback. We understand that certain situations call for flexibility when it comes to creating Visis. For instance:
  • When you have an ITP (Inspection and Test Plan) where the number of ITCs (Inspection and Test Checklists) needed may vary.
  • When there's a specific template for task, issue or NCR Visis that you want to integrate into an existing inspection.
How Does It Work?
It's as easy as hitting the plus checklist button on the web app.
Now, simply select your desired Visi type, template and locations to add Visis from template into your existing inspection checklist.
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Your Workflow, Your Way
We believe that customisation is key, and this update empowers you to tailor your Visibuild experience according to your unique project needs. Whether you're dealing with dynamic ITPs or adding specific Visi templates to existing inspections, Visibuild's got you covered
Happy building 🛠️💡
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