What's New?
Save as draft:
Say goodbye to constantly publishing new revisions when building templates. With Template Drafts, you can now save your work in progress, providing project admins with a more flexible and efficient way to develop project specific templates.
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Why It Matters:
Prevent Loss of Work:
Reduce the risk of losing your work in case of unexpected events.
Reduced Template Revisions:
Managing template revisions is a breeze now. Fewer revisions mean less variance in Quality checks, ensuring consistency across your projects.
Continuity and Collaboration:
Team members can pick up where others left off, ensuring continuity of work.
How to Use It:
  1. Create Your Template:
    Start building your template as usual. Add tasks, requirements, and all the details you need.
  2. Save as Draft:
    When you're not ready to publish, click 'Save as Draft.' Your template will be stored in a draft state, ready for your future edits.
  3. Edit and Refine:
    Come back anytime to refine your template. Add more tasks, tweak details, and make it perfect.
  4. Publish When Ready:
    When your template is polished and good to go, hit 'Publish.' It's now available for your project teams to use. CleanShot 2023-10-31 at 13
Try it out today and let us know how Template Drafts make your template management more efficient. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to enhance your Visibuild experience. 📋✅